A rock for uncertain times

Paul prays for a member of the Roma community.

Few of us enjoy experiencing uncertainty in life and each of us has our own tolerance level for the unpredictable. Some people, however, go through periods of toxic levels of uncertainty that threaten to overwhelm and paralyse through fear.

It had been almost a year since Paul had any contact with R, a member of the Roma community. Consequently, Paul was encouraged when she got in touch via social media. During a subsequent visit, R updated Paul on the more recent ups and downs of her life.

Paul observed, “Life has become uncertain for her family, and I wanted her to seek God's help whilst I listened to some of her immediate needs.” Paul offered to pray for R in her turbulent times.

In Psalm 31, David calls out to God in a time of trouble: “Be a rock of refuge for me,”. Our God is the source of all stability in uncertain times.

Clock icon 15 Aug, 2023

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