Not Just A Home But...

Just what she wanted.

As housing is becoming increasingly difficult to come by these days, compromise becomes inevitable, and expectations must be managed to align with what is available.

What a joy then to see someone who is absolutely thrilled with the home she has recently moved in to.

This lady had been homeless and living in temporary accommodation for a year after fleeing domestic violence. She was eventually offered a flat in a high-rise block which she accepted; not what she’d hoped for, but she was just happy to be given a permanent place to live.

As she was waiting for this place to be made ready, which was taking several months, a house was offered to her via a scheme that she had applied to at the beginning of the year. There was a time of uncertainty as to whether she could say ‘yes’ as she had accepted the flat, but she was given the good news - she could - and has now moved into her ‘forever’ home.

What a blessing!

Clock icon 11 Mar, 2024

Written by:

Cath Stirling

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