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Seven:Nine asks; Where Do You Start?
What’s the main point of the parable of the Lost Son? What details does Jesus include?
Jesus took every day, ordinary situations and taught his followers about their Father God. Our personal experiences matter; our culture impacts our understanding of the bible. How might this affect how we disciple one another?
Why do you think the son decided it was time to go home? You might say, ‘because he’d run out of money’. Yes, but perhaps you know something about Jewish culture and the disgrace of looking after pigs - maybe this was your response instead? Or perhaps you've experienced real hunger and pointed to the fact that the country was in a famine? What is your starting point?
People who have grown up in an Islamic culture might be very puzzled by the actions of the father; he runs! (How undignified). The son, who had demanded his inheritance before his father had actually died, is lavished with even more of the family’s riches despite the shame he had brought on the family - on his father. (Confusing).
The bible is packed with meaning but we miss so much when we only look through one cultural lens. We read this story in our Holy Book Group recently. How do you think it impacted the Muslim participants when someone explained that the father figure in the parable is God?
Pray for opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word as you share it with those who have a different starting point to you.