Working with HoPe

Insight + TD

The course “Working with HoPe” is designed for anyone - volunteers, staff, etc. who are interested in working with people who have experienced homelessness.

Hundreds of people have benefited from this course since its launch in 2012. To make it as accessible as possible Working with HoPe is delivered over 5 weeks, one night a week. The presenter, Terry Durose will be sharing almost 15 years of experience leading Manchester City Mission in homeless work.

Amongst the subjects covered are:

  • The causes and dynamics of homelessness
  • The ethos of working with homeless people
  • Demonstrable Safety and why that’s important
  • How to develop a helpful relationship with homeless people
  • The Four Magnet Theory
  • The Cycle of Change
  • The 14 stage process of successful resettlement
  • Addiction and Drugs
  • Managing Conflict and Aggression