God Knows What We Need Before We Ask For It…

Christmas Blessings!

It has been lovely to see God’s hand at work on behalf of our clients this Christmas.

Just before Christmas, I met with a lady who had recently been given a flat after many months of bidding. She was very grateful to have a place but needed everything to furnish it. During the course of the conversation, we were discussing how different local authorities help with basic items. She mentioned that she had not been given a microwave or a kettle. She wasn’t complaining but just making a passing comment.

The next day, Terry and Janet were at the Windsor Centre and found that an Amazon package had been left outside. It had no complete address and wasn’t for the Mission. They brought it inside and contacted Amazon. Amazon told them to keep the contents or pass them on to anyone else who might need them.

When the parcel was opened, it contained a kettle and a microwave! What a blessing for this lady just in time for Christmas.

Clock icon 13 Jan, 2025

Written by:

Cath Stirling

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