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Great is your faithfulness.
How can we share the Good News of Jesus with young Muslims in our city?
Have you ever been to a Christian summer camp? Experienced worshipping with thousands of others and being touched by God’s love, then queuing for the showers for ages with the same bunch of people!
What a privilege to spend a week getting to know a group of Greater Manchester’s young people - some standing strong in the Lord Jesus, others following Islam, and some just not quite sure yet. Praise God for the amazing faith conversations with those who are sincerely seeking the truth. Ask him to birth faith in the hearts of those who heard his Word for the first time.
One lad reminded me of Jacob, later called Israel, because he ‘struggled with God’. (Gen 32:22-34). Pray that as he and others wrestle with the Word they have heard and seen, their lives will be transformed.
Please pray that God will pour out His Spirit on all people. That our sons and daughters will prophesy, our old men dream dreams, and that our young men will see visions. (Joel 2:28).