“I LOVE Groundbreakers assemblies!!"

The Purple Sweatshirt…

A young man popped his head through the hall door of a Salford school and punched the air when he saw Mary sat on a bench in the hall.

"Is it a Groundbreakers assembly today?" he asked. Mary replied that it was indeed a Groundbreakers assembly and the young man replied, "Yeeesssss!" Then he said, "Will it be about Christianity and stuff?" "Yes," said Mary, "Is that all right?"

"Yes... I LOVE Groundbreakers assemblies!!" And off the young man went happily.

How wonderful that when the children in the primary schools of Manchester see the purple sweatshirt of a Groundbreakers staff member, they know they are going to get a Christian assembly... and they are excited!!

It really challenged Mary who is currently working her way through Ephesians and had been reading the verses in chapter 4 about what we are to "wear". I.e.. those things we are to put off and those things we are to put on in their place to show that we are followers of Jesus. As she puts on her purple sweatshirt each morning, she now thinks of that young man and hopes that with, or without her purple sweatshirt, children and staff will see someone who reflects Jesus.

Clock icon 06 Jun, 2024

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