Paul Finds Old Friends!

A catch up with recent events...

Paul keeps a record week by week of who he has seen. This helps him to access who might be in the most need, or it may alert him to somebody who has 'gone missing'. Recently a number of individuals have reappeared for the first time since the pandemic. G estimated that she hadn't seen Paul for eight years, but when checking the record, it turned out to be five years. He remembered that there has been a spiritual interest and the record also showed that G had been to church for a memorial service.

One very regular contact is N. She is an addict but has recently been put on a script. Sadly, she had to report the death of her daughter recently, so Paul has been trying to find N regularly in her usual places and hopes to support her leading up to the funeral, taking place later this month.

Clock icon 08 Mar, 2024

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