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Sarah at 7:9 Asks…
Are the bells ringing?
7:9 has had so many wonderful opportunities over the last few weeks to tell about the hope we have in Jesus:
The recent Holy Book Group discussion focussed on Mary and how God has a good plan for all of our lives but that we need to be willing to answer ‘yes’ to it.
Here are some of the questions Muslims have asked:
- At Christmas, do you pray before you eat your meal?
- Why did God choose Mary and not another woman?
- How did the three wise men know Jesus was God’s son?
Maybe someone you know has questions like these too - how might you answer in a way that points towards God’s love for them? Romans 10:16 ‘ faith comes from hearing the message’.
The bell in the picture is a Christmas decoration, made by a Christian lady who lives in a country where there is persecution for those who follow Jesus. Although it cannot make a sound, it still speaks of her witness to Christ despite her challenging personal circumstances.
Traditionally, church bells call worshippers to gather and mark special occasions. So whatever your church tradition, it’s a good time to start ringing your bell!