The Nourish Food Club is providing more than just food.

Part 1: Interesting Statistics...

From the launch of the Food Club in 2021 we have seen a rise in need from the originally anticipated 100 families needing our service, to in excess of 500 families and still growing.

This data is provided by Barry, the project manager.

Over 50% said they were either very or extremely concerned about their food provision and/or their mental wellbeing prior to joining the food club.

Over 85% said they were either confident or extremely confident in their food provision after joining the food club.

Over 55% were extremely concerned about the £20 Universal Credit being removed and…

over 81% were extremely concerned about the rise in energy prices.

Barry said, “bearing in mind the cost-of-living crisis has become much worse since this questionnaire was taken, nevertheless, the results are very humbling as you do not always realise the impact you are having”.

Clock icon 13 Mar, 2024

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