Into The New Year With On The Wing!

Increased attendance at Prison Bible Groups...

The chaplaincy teams have noticed a very encouraging increase in the numbers of inmates attending the Bible groups we run in the various Manchester prisons.

We believe this to be a direct result of all the Christmas events we have been holding. There are now those who want to continue going on with the Lord.

In one prison (at the prisoners' request) I have produced lyric sheets for all the worship songs I use in our gatherings. Initially I sang songs to add a little more flavour to the sessions and to illustrate various Scriptural truths. However, those attending expressed a desire to be able to sing along and not just sit and listen.

I often like to sing from the Scriptures because I have found in my own life that this is a good way of getting the Word of God into my heart and mind, and I believe this will also be beneficial in the same way to those in the Bible group. It is wonderful to see the men engaging in this way with such great gusto! Please pray for those who have recently given their hearts to the Lord or renewed their commitment to Him.

Nick Stirling

On The Wing supported by @benefactgroup

Clock icon 30 Jan, 2025

Written by:

Nick Stirling

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