It’s in Genesis…

Operation Joy Links Life To The Bible!

Sometimes it's possible to link a person's circumstances to a passage of scripture as Paul witnessed this week. T and her partner W had been given a bible a few weeks ago and T told Paul that she had been reading it. On Paul's latest encounter with W he discovered that T was not with him because she was struggling with a bad hip joint. Paul said he recalled Jacob in the bible (Genesis 32) with a hip out of joint and so suggested that T might want to read it, stating that sometimes we seem to be wrestling with God in prayer. In Genesis 32 we read as well that Jacob's name was changed to Israel and he became the father of the twelve tribes. Soon after this Jacob was to meet his brother Esau. Paul will hope to find out if they have looked more into this story which shows great forgiveness on the part of Esau.

Clock icon 08 Nov, 2024

Written by:

Paul Winter

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