Written by:
MCM, A Grateful Beneficiary of ‘Good Things Foundation’
We can offer the gift of communication!
When Paul was offered SIM cards which had been donated to Manchester City Mission by The Good Things Foundation, initiating the National Digital Inclusion Network, he wondered whether there would be any demand for them as over the years he had not be directly asked for any. However, just two weeks later Paul met C in Piccadilly Gardens and she explained that her partner P was 'out of credit' on his phone, making it hard for them to stay in touch with the agencies that were dealing with their case. When Paul asked what provider they used it turned out to match some of the SIM cards supplied.
Paul was already aware that P & C are professing Christians and C confirmed that this was an answer to their prayers.
Shortly after this, W, who Paul had not seen in several years said he needed a SIM card from the same provider. He, too stated that he was a Christian. Paul will wait and see how long it is before another opportunity like this arises. This means of communication is vital in helping people to move on.
supported by #goodthings