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Yesterday On The Streets Of Manchester…
With Operation Joy.
Sometimes the most encouraging story can come at the end of a shift in Manchester, which is what Paul experienced this week. The main issues of the day were to do with R ringing her mum, then B needing to speak with him about her friend in prison, followed by S and her health concerns. Finally Paul came to the Oxford Road area where he met V for the first time. As Paul offered a bag of food V asked, 'Now will you pray for me?' Surprised, Paul checked his id badge and it was facing inwards, so it wasn't visible. 'How did you know I pray with people?' Paul asked. 'I just knew' V replied. V didn't want prayer there and then so Paul told her it was his wife's turn to pray that evening so she would be remembered. Paul then delved into his bag and took out a WWJD bracelet; V immediately stretched out her right arm for Paul to put it on. This demonstrates some of the patient endurance needed in outreach ministry today.
Please pray with us for those in need.