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Operation Joy Has Been Praying…
In Piccadilly Gardens.
Paul has had two differing opportunities to pray with people in the last few days. Firstly as he sat with M in Piccadilly Gardens she explained that she had been visiting a friend in hospital who was seriously ill. 'Would you pray for her? she asked. Paul did so and M was grateful. Secondly, D was walking down Piccadilly eating a snack when a security guard from a shop came and snatched it from her, presumably because she had not paid for it. D is known to Paul and as she was visibly upset he approached her and offered some food from his bag. D's life in general is not going well and as he listened he offered to pray with D and she accepted. Knowing that Paul carries the WWJD bracelets D asked for one and chose a purple one to wear. Paul was reminded that Jesus got hungry too.
Please pray with us, that those who are hungry will be fed.