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Saved in HMP Forest Bank
Now he was in prison he was contemplating the things of God again.
On the 13th September I was asked by the chaplaincy team to bring a young man ‘T’ down to the chapel. He has requested to come and light a candle in remembrance of his brother who had died a year ago that day.
'T' told me he used to go to church as a young boy but had stopped attending as he grew older. Now he was in prison he was contemplating the things of God again.
I lit the candle, read some comforting Scriptures and prayed with him. We then discussed his personal experience of Jesus, and he said he had never actually given his heart to the Lord. As we continued in conversation he said he wanted to do so there and then. I took him through some relevant Bible passages and then led him to Christ.
I gave him a Bible and a daily reading book and told him to apply for chapel attendance which he said he would do. I also encouraged him to enrol in one of the Bible study groups which he was keen to do. Please join us in prayer for “T” as he continues with the Lord.
Nick Stirling