Two chapters, five months apart

Paul Winter tells a story of two halves.

N is Eastern European and had been asking people for help in Manchester. Having given her my phone number N was in touch again this week and it seemed that she was hoping to meet up with me in Piccadilly Gardens.

Having fixed the time and place I waited half an hour and then got a call from A, a lady I had met in Bolton in June.

She was just arriving in the area and having found me she explained that N was her sister and that her baby wasn't well and that she had come instead.

Evidently she had remembered meeting me in Bolton five months before and knew who she was looking for. I prayed with A who is keen that I visit and meet her family in Levenshulme. Two chapters of the same story five months apart...

Clock icon 24 Nov, 2023

Written by:

Paul Winter

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