Working One to One With Prisoners

Part Two; A Candle In The Chapel

We often come across prisoners struggling with bereavement. Whether a recent loss or the anniversary of a tragedy, prisoners can apply to light a candle in the Chapel. When this is approved, an officer will bring them down from their wing.

We realise there's no special power in lighting candles, however, it's a universally recognised practice people adopt to honour those who have passed away and bring some comfort and solace to their own hearts.

This gives us an opportunity to share the love of Christ with them, perhaps share some comforting scriptures and pray with them. We can then have a chat over coffee and a biscuit. On many occasions I have been able to lead prisoners to Christ this way.

It's a sad fact that often heartache must enter our lives before we will turn to the Lord, but is not the whole purpose of chaplaincy to act as a safety net for the fallen ones and to point them to the Saviour?

On The Wing is supported by Benefact Trust

Clock icon 02 Feb, 2024

Written by:

Nick Stirling

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